Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Month: October 2020

Communication satellite in Black and White

IR Checklist: Projecting Certainty in Uncertain Times

Communication satellite in Black and White

You’ve probably heard the following expression: “May you live in interesting times.” It’s frequently recited not as an inspiring quote, but rather a curse, often characterized as being indeterminately foreign in origin. Perhaps the person w...

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Buybacks Beware: SEC Settlement Sends Message About Internal Controls


Public corporations are spending upwards of a trillion dollars annually on stock buybacks, sending capital back to shareholders by the truckload. However, in a year already fraught with perils for U.S. companies that would like to buy back...

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limit barbwire fence

COVID-19 Tests Limits of Non-GAAP Reporting

limit barbwire fence

How many times can you write off a one-time cost? How often can a non-recurring expense recur? What is the sound of one hand clapping? These are not riddles posed by a Zen master. (Okay fine, except the third one.) Instead, they are account...

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Roaring hippos and CEO pay

Issuers Put the $ in ESG

Roaring hippos and CEO pay

Public companies have been talking a big game on ESG for years. Now they’re putting their money where their mouth is. Well, some of them are. Of the 100 largest U.S.-based public companies, 36 are now using ESG-related metrics in their exec...

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Fearless Girl bronze sculpture represents Workplace Diversity

Issuers Pushed to Reveal Workforce Diversity Numbers

Fearless Girl bronze sculpture represents Workplace Diversity

In recent weeks, three different entities with the power to get the c-suite’s attention—Bloomberg News, State Street, and the New York City comptroller—have called on public companies to disclose data on their workforce diversity. Their app...

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