Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Month: February 2023

A microchip sits on the tip of a person's finger

Three Aspects of the U.S.-China Relationship for Public Companies to Watch

A microchip sits on the tip of a person's finger

Last week’s bizarre news of a Chinese surveillance balloon discovered floating above U.S. airspace offered ample material for comedians and internet memelords. The cold open of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” even featured an “interview” with t...

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Torn and frayed cloth hanging from wooden beams

ESG Hits a New Snag as Climate-Disclosure Rules Come Under Fire

Torn and frayed cloth hanging from wooden beams

After years of gaining momentum, ESG programs, socially responsible investing and climate-related regulation have encountered legitimate setbacks in the United States lately. On Wall Street, ESG funds had a miserable year in 2022. New clien...

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A groundhog (marmot) eats a large carrot

If Fraud is Never Caught, did it Really Happen?

A groundhog (marmot) eats a large carrot

Criminal charges like the ones currently levied against FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried raise an important question for corporate stakeholders: Is securities fraud rampant? Corporate America would undoubtedly bristle at the suggestion, deemin...

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