Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Author: Adria Hunter

Magnified image of marijuana buds

Senate Bill Sparks Hope in Cannabis Industry for Access to Banking

Magnified image of marijuana buds

A legal, billion-dollar industry in which companies can’t get a basic checking account. It sounds absurd, but that’s life for cannabis businesses. Even though marijuana is currently legal for recreational or medical use in 39 states, most b...

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Man pushing bike up a steep hill

New California Laws May Set the Stage for Broader Climate Disclosure

Man pushing bike up a steep hill

California has long been on the leading edge of environmental regulation in the United States, and the Golden State recently passed new climate disclosure laws that are poised to push the rest of the country forward. Last week, Democratic G...

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Funny cat on sofa with flu

FDA’s Finding on Ineffective Cold Meds Spurs Lawsuits for Big Pharma

Funny cat on sofa with flu

Executives at pharmaceutical companies and drugstore chains likely found themselves searching for solutions to soothe their own headaches and help them sleep at night after getting news last month that the Food and Drug Administration deter...

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warehouse view

FTC Antitrust Suit Against Amazon Is the Latest to Lack Transparency

warehouse view

It began as an avant-garde crusade in the Yale Law Journal. Now Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan has made the long-awaited announcement that the agency – along with 17 states – has filed an antitrust suit against online-retailing be...

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Blue patrol light on top of police car

September SEC Enforcement Spike: Four Key Areas to Watch

Blue patrol light on top of police car

Much like the cliché of a local police force ramping up patrols to meet its quarterly quota of speeding tickets, the Securities and Exchange Commission is yet again closing out its fiscal year with a spike of September enforcement actions....

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