Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Accounting

Hand print brushed for forensics in corpfin

As Comment Letters Decrease, SEC Keeps Focus on Non-GAAP Accounting

Hand print brushed for forensics in corpfin

If you’re seeking evidence of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s deregulatory bent in the Trump administration, look no further than the number of comment letters being issued by the agency each year. Since Jay Clayton took over as ch...

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Incredible Unicorn floaties, like Beyond Meat

Intelligize Report: Unicorn IPOs Offer Rainbow of Storylines

Incredible Unicorn floaties, like Beyond Meat

Last year at this time, Intelligize published its first-ever report on unicorn IPOs. Now we’re releasing our second edition, and like the sequel to a hit movie, this one features bigger names, more funding, and better special effects. Okay,...

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Peaceful river scene with black & white tones with a goodwill nature

Regulators Getting Bad Vibes From Goodwill

Peaceful river scene with black & white tones with a goodwill nature

The balance sheets of public companies currently hold $5.5 trillion in assets lumped under the heading of goodwill. The term, which connotes feelings of cheer and good tidings, is accounting speak for the difference between the purchase pri...

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Carton of eggs with one cracked

Companies Less Likely to Do “Big R” Financial Restatements

Carton of eggs with one cracked

Back in the early 2000s, seemingly mild-mannered corporate executives such as Kenneth Lay and Bernie Ebbers came to be known as some of the world’s most notorious supervillains. They weren’t hatching elaborate, cinema-style plots to achieve...

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B+W image of old-time party goers

FASB is Living in a Materiality World

B+W image of old-time party goers

You’d be forgiven if you confused the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) latest announcement about its “conceptual framework” for a description of an upcoming TED Talk. That kind of jargon is popular with thought leaders and thin...

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