Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Investor Relations

Little girl with pigtails in white lying on the floor

Five Procedural Defenses Against Virtual Annual Shareholder Meeting Glitches

Little girl with pigtails in white lying on the floor

When virtual work meetings go wrong, the damage is usually limited. The parent of a rambunctious toddler might suffer some embarrassment, but that’s about it. But for the unprecedented number of public companies that adopted a virtual forma...

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Twitter's home-base office

Issuers Face Questions About WFH Policies

Twitter's home-base office

The global pandemic has required a huge swath of the population to “work from home” (or WFH, as the kids say). The question is whether like LOL before it, this three-letter abbreviation has simply captured the zeitgeist of the moment, or wh...

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Toddlers playing on the pool with floaties

Intelligize Report: Virtual Annual Shareholder Meetings Are the New Reality

Toddlers playing on the pool with floaties

The coronavirus has forced many public companies to go virtual. And, no, we aren’t talking about the switch to remote work. We’re talking about the transition to virtual annual shareholder meetings, which, while prompted by the pandemic, co...

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Intense scrutiny grips the scene

Amazon’s Virtual Meeting a Not-So-Prime Opportunity for Shareholders?

Intense scrutiny grips the scene

Amazon has only strengthened its grip on the retail market as much of the country shelters in place. While it becomes ever more central to the shopping landscape however, Amazon is also facing increased scrutiny over how it treats its workf...

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Princeton University Building holding shareholder meeting

Coronavirus Likely Means More Virtual Shareholder Meetings

Princeton University Building holding shareholder meeting

Students at Princeton University received a surprising message from the school yesterday morning: Don’t come back from spring break. Instead, the Ivy League institution is going online as part of a “social distancing” policy to contain the...

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