Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Investor Relations

Shadow regulators overseeing bushy tracks fence

SEC Proxy Guidance in Limbo

Shadow regulators overseeing bushy tracks fence

Score one for free speech? If you’ve been following the back-and-forth, you’ll recall that influential shareholder adviser Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) fought back last year against August guidance from the SEC for proxy advisor...

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Open Vintage Door with Blurred Interior

Airbnb Opens its Doors to Stakeholders

Open Vintage Door with Blurred Interior

Poke around on the website and it becomes clear that Airbnb fancies itself a different kind of company. The room-sharing and travel service touts itself as “an economic empowerment engine” that ensures the financial impact of tourism stays...

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A Foggy Divergent Road

CEO Dismissals Reflect Diverging Approaches to Transparency

A Foggy Divergent Road

What does it mean for a CEO to exercise “conduct inconsistent with a non-financial company policy”? If your eyes glazed over at that euphemistic language, that might have been the point. The quote comes from an 8-K filed last week by the ma...

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