Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Investor Relations

Ivy's adorning street for corporate sustainability

Uncertainty Creeps into ESG Reporting

Ivy's adorning street for corporate sustainability

You’ve probably heard of greenwashing – token environmental sustainability programs that help corporations launder their reputations. Now there’s “green hushing.” Green hushing isn’t quite the inverse of greenwashing, but it’s close. Essent...

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Cryptocurrencies fair value accounting.

FASB (Finally) Backs Fair-Value Accounting for Cryptocurrency Assets

Cryptocurrencies fair value accounting.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts don’t exactly seem like rule-following types. In fact, defying convention likely makes up much of crypto’s appeal for many digital-token owners. Pesky things like accounting standards probably don’t even show up o...

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Eco-friendly investing with a torn bag

BlackRock Facing Political Pressure from Both Sides Over ESG

Eco-friendly investing with a torn bag

Perhaps it’s the curse of being the world’s largest asset manager, but it seems like BlackRock just can’t win when it comes to ESG investing. No one is shedding any tears for an investment firm with $8.5 trillion in assets under its control...

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Virtual reality users with CMO in metaverse

C-Suite: Into the Metaverse

Virtual reality users with CMO in metaverse

If you’re not familiar with the metaverse, imagine melding real life with The Sims video games. What may be the first allusion to the idea appeared in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash by American author Neal Stephenson. The book’s...

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Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

Uncertainty Prompts Growing Number of Companies to Revise Revenue Guidance

Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

The man known as “Dr. Doom” in the financial world has some typically sour news about the global economic forecast. In an interview with Bloomberg this week, economist Nouriel Roubini warned that we’re quickly approaching a “long and ugly”...

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