Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Investor Relations

Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

Uncertainty Prompts Growing Number of Companies to Revise Revenue Guidance

Monochrome image of half a lemon: When the Economy gives you lemons

The man known as “Dr. Doom” in the financial world has some typically sour news about the global economic forecast. In an interview with Bloomberg this week, economist Nouriel Roubini warned that we’re quickly approaching a “long and ugly”...

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Jacksonville, FL city skyline with view of river and bridge

Conservative Politicians Unite in Attacks on Corporate ESG Initiatives

Jacksonville, FL city skyline with view of river and bridge

With the 2022 midterm elections just weeks away, many Republican politicians’ campaigns are zeroing in on corporate ESG programs as objects of derision. They’re painting companies’ environmental, social and governance initiatives as stealth...

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Shareholders voting, expressing opinions on democracy

Universal Proxy Cards Present Opportunities for Activist Investors

Shareholders voting, expressing opinions on democracy

When voters went to the polls in the 2020 presidential election, they probably saw Democratic nominee Joe Biden and the Republican incumbent Donald Trump listed on the ballot. A handful of third-party candidates like Libertarian Jo Jorgense...

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Frosted leaf symbolizing frozen accountability for foreign companies

Chinese Companies Delist from U.S. Exchange as Audit Conflict Persists

Frosted leaf symbolizing frozen accountability for foreign companies

Hundreds of thousands of people from the United States travel to Taiwan in any given year, according to the island nation’s tourism bureau. For the average U.S. tourist, a stopover there during a tour of Asian countries wouldn’t seem unusua...

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Stock Exchange on Wall St. Close up Signs

New Excise Tax Targets Stock Buybacks

Stock Exchange on Wall St. Close up Signs

As would be expected for legislation with the sweeping scope of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, getting enough politicians to vote “yes” required an array of compromises and sweeteners. One of the most important revenue generat...

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