Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: News

SEC Backs Big Budget for Crypto Crackdown

SEC Backs Big Budget for Crypto Crackdown

SEC Backs Big Budget for Crypto Crackdown

The Biden administration has proposed a record-smashing $2.4 billion budget for the SEC in fiscal year 2024, and it’s apparently already burning a hole in Gary Gensler’s pocket. To hear him tell it, the SEC chair is more than ready to use t...

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Dome of the U.S. Capitol building, where Sarbanes Oxley was drafted

Intelligize Data: Large Filers Struggling with Internal Controls After Going Public

Dome of the U.S. Capitol building, where Sarbanes Oxley was drafted

It has been more than 20 years since Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in response to a rash of turn-of-the-century accounting scandals. But unlike those choker necklaces and Nickelback CDs you’re holding onto from the era, SOX remains...

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Risk Factors: Large boulder rests precariously atop the edge of a cliff

New Intelligize Report Offers Insights into SEC Views on Company Risk Factors

Risk Factors: Large boulder rests precariously atop the edge of a cliff

Fortunately for investors, you don’t need inside access to C-suites to know what kinds of risks keep corporate executives on edge. Publicly traded companies frequently disclose in their Securities and Exchange Commission filings their views...

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Man covering his eyes with a stack of SEC Disclosure paperwork in front of him

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much ESG Disclosure?

Man covering his eyes with a stack of SEC Disclosure paperwork in front of him

Demanding more information from individuals or organizations can have a paradoxical effect on the intended audience. The American Psychological Association calls the phenomenon “information overload,” which it defines as “the state that occ...

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restaurant server with a pencil and pad of paper

SEC Scrutinizing Non-GAAP Disclosures in Financial Statements

restaurant server with a pencil and pad of paper

Everybody has at least one of those friends who seem to insist on making everything more complicated than it needs to be. They ask for multiple substitutions when ordering at a restaurant. They try to convince everyone to watch the obscure...

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