Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: News

The Great Wall of China

Auditing Showdown with China Nearing a Conclusion?

The Great Wall of China

Remember the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act? Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler warned the world last year that the law, which took effect at the end of 2020, could start causing problems in the United States f...

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Twitter bird perched on branch

Twitter Investment Could Get Elon Musk in More Trouble with SEC

Twitter bird perched on branch

It’s always something with Elon Musk, isn’t it? Once heralded as a visionary innovator, the CEO of Tesla Inc. and SpaceX now appears more interested in burnishing a reputation as a social provocateur. As his personal fortune has grown, the...

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Rabbit in checkered pocket representing earnings per share

The White House’s New BBB: Biden Bashing Buybacks

Rabbit in checkered pocket representing earnings per share

Critics of corporate stock buybacks found a pleasant surprise tucked in President Joe Biden’s budget proposal for the 2023 fiscal year. If enacted, the administration’s plan could transform the practice, which has long been a source of cont...

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Metaphorical Darts hitting their IPO Targets

SEC Points to SPAC Crackdown with Proposed Rules

Metaphorical Darts hitting their IPO Targets

You could call it a SPAC attack. The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed a series of new rules for special purpose acquisition companies – better known as SPACs – and their merger targets. If enacted, the proposal would make the...

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Light Bulb Hanging: Shining Light on CEO Pay Compensation

Shareholders Go on Offense Against CEO Pay Raises

Light Bulb Hanging: Shining Light on CEO Pay Compensation

In an industry where top leaders routinely angle for lavish new contracts, the University of Michigan and its head football coach reached an unusual deal in early 2021. After the Wolverines stumbled to a 2-4 record in a 2020 season shortene...

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