Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Rules & Regs

Banker with Briefcase running away from SEC Enforcement

SEC Taking an Interest in Accounting Enforcement

Banker with Briefcase running away from SEC Enforcement

The implosions of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank this month may have come as a surprise to KPMG LLP, one of the so-called Big Four accounting firms. Both banks collapsed within two weeks of KPMG signing off on their audits. In the w...

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Shadow on a wall of a person with a flashlight who is investigating

Execs’ 10b5-1 Plans Reportedly at Heart of Silicon Valley Bank Investigation

Shadow on a wall of a person with a flashlight who is investigating

What did Silicon Valley Bank executives know, and when did they know it? Ever since the financial institution of choice for venture capital-backed startups went bust on March 10, talk in the media and around Washington has focused on the po...

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An antacid tablet fizzles in the bottom of a glass of water

Revived SEC Admissions Policy Fizzled in First Year

An antacid tablet fizzles in the bottom of a glass of water

You could be forgiven if you don’t recall an announcement made by a Securities and Exchange Commission official in 2021. A killer virus spreading around the world, a war in Europe, an attempted insurrection in Washington – there has been a...

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Railway signals in the middle of railroad tracks, symbolizing insider trading

Feds Issue First Indictment Related to 10b5-1 Plans

Railway signals in the middle of railroad tracks, symbolizing insider trading

After months of signaling a crackdown was coming, the federal government has broken new ground by issuing its first indictment against an executive, based solely on the use of so-called 10b5-1 plans. A quick refresher: Rule 10b5-1 of the Se...

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Businessman staring at an image painted on a wall of a large fish about to eat a smaller fish

Securities Class Action Settlements Hit 15-Year High in 2022

Businessman staring at an image painted on a wall of a large fish about to eat a smaller fish

Securities class action lawyers appear to have had a banner year in 2022, according to a new report. Data from economic and financial consulting firm Cornerstone Research indicates that settlements in securities class action cases hit a 15-...

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