Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: Rules & Regs

Stock Exchange on Wall St. Close up Signs

New Excise Tax Targets Stock Buybacks

Stock Exchange on Wall St. Close up Signs

As would be expected for legislation with the sweeping scope of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, getting enough politicians to vote “yes” required an array of compromises and sweeteners. One of the most important revenue generat...

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People celebrating with hands raised

Sarbanes-Oxley Turns 20

People celebrating with hands raised

Audiences were packing multiplexes across the country to see “Spider-Man” – the Tobey Maguire one, not Tom Holland’s subsequent version. Temperatures were rising outside and in the dance clubs, courtesy of rapper Nelly and his chart-topping...

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FASB: A New Hope for Raising Corporate Taxes

FASB: A New Hope for Raising Corporate Taxes

FASB: A New Hope for Raising Corporate Taxes

It makes for a splashy headline every year after watchdog groups get a chance to comb through corporate financial statements: “[INSERT NAMES OF BIG CORPORATIONS] Paid No Taxes in [INSERT LAST YEAR].” For example, the Institute on Taxation a...

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Outdated firepower meets excessive executive salaries

As Executive Compensation Booms, Closer Scrutiny Looms

Outdated firepower meets excessive executive salaries

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before, but corporate CEOs made a lot of money last year. According to a new report from the AFL-CIO, the chief executives of companies in the S&P 500 earned an average of $18.3 million in total compensa...

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Boxes in various sizes for supply chain financing.

FASB Endorses New Disclosures for Supply-Chain Financing

Boxes in various sizes for supply chain financing.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, companies and their vendors have needed creative solutions to keep supply chains moving. One solution that has become increasingly popular involves third-party financing for companies’ purch...

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