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Category: SEC

Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement Renaissance Underway at SEC

Enforcement didn’t seem to be at the very top of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s to-do list in the last four years. At least, that’s what the most recent data on the agency’s activities under departed chair Jay Clayton would tell u...

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Cryptocurrency ETF with three coins representing ethereum, bitcoin and more

Three Big Questions About Crypto Regulation

Cryptocurrency ETF with three coins representing ethereum, bitcoin and more

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin remain a hot topic in the financial world thanks in large part to the aura of mystery surrounding them. It’s hard to explain what they are, let alone how they work. Yet their cult-like following prompted Blo...

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SEC Shifts to New Enforcement Priorities in 2021

SEC Shifts to New Enforcement Priorities in 2021

SEC Shifts to New Enforcement Priorities in 2021

By nominating a well-established reformer to chair the Securities and Exchange Commission, President Joe Biden signaled that Wall Street should prepare for more rigorous oversight in the next four years. But what, exactly, should market par...

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SEC Roundup: There’s a New Sheriff in Town

SEC Roundup: There’s a New Sheriff in Town

SEC Roundup: There’s a New Sheriff in Town

A new resident in the White House means major changes are afoot at the Securities and Exchange Commission. On the heels of President Joe Biden’s inauguration yesterday, here’s a roundup of four big SEC stories that broke during the transiti...

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Five Big Questions for 2021

Five Big Questions for 2021

Five Big Questions for 2021

If you had asked us what to expect from the year 2020 last January, suffice it to say that we would have been wrong. So we’re staying out of the prediction business this year. Instead, we’re just going to pose five big questions that should...

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