Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Category: SEC

Metal surface reflection

Doubts Surface About SEC’s Candidness on Ethereum

Metal surface reflection

Back in April 2023, Securities and Exchange Commission chair Gary Gensler raised a ruckus by refusing at a congressional hearing to offer an opinion on whether Ethereum, a popular cryptocurrency, is a security. But was Gensler playing coy?...

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Water reflection lake

Climate Disclosure Brings Water Scarcity into Focus

Water reflection lake

When we talk about environmental risks, carbon emissions usually come to mind first. New regulations from the Securities and Exchange Commission, however, should raise the visibility of water for companies too, after working water-related f...

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Shadows of people cast on the ground

SEC’s Win in ‘Shadow Trading’ Case Shines Light on Corporate Trading Policies

Shadows of people cast on the ground

The circumstances of individual cases may differ, but we all know that insider trading involves using material, non-public information to buy and sell a company’s securities. But what if you possess inside information about one company that...

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Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

Frustrations Mount Over Differing Climate Disclosure Rules

Architectural blend with greenery, ESG uncertainties

The long slog to implementing sustainability-related disclosure rules for companies in the United States reached something of a conclusion last month. While issuers are coming to terms with what the Securities and Exchange Commission now re...

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Trump’s Loose Lips Risk Running Afoul of SEC


Restraint has never been Donald Trump’s strong suit. The former President seemingly lashes out at any perceived slight within earshot, leading to countless public feuds with everyone from Pope Francis to C-list celebrities to the mainstream...

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