Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky
Toy pig with wings, wearing a feather boa and a crown, sits on the edge of a table

Subpoena Drama Plays Out Against Cybersecurity Backdrop

Toy pig with wings, wearing a feather boa and a crown, sits on the edge of a table

Lawyers agreeing on something doesn’t have the same ring to it as hell freezing over or pigs flying, but it happens just about as often. Covington & Burling LLP’s recent fight against the Securities and Exchange Commission represents on...

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Circular ripples from a drop of water in a pool

Ripple Case Headlines Latest Developments in Crypto Regulation

Circular ripples from a drop of water in a pool

An impending court decision in the Securities and Exchange Commission’s lawsuit against San Francisco-based crypto solutions company, Ripple, stands to make a big splash in the cryptocurrency sector. The SEC filed its legal action against R...

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An outdoor produce market with hanging bunches of chilies

Four New SEC Examination Priorities to Spice Up 2023!

An outdoor produce market with hanging bunches of chilies

If you’re familiar with annual previews from government agencies, you know they’re about as exciting as an instruction manual. They generally follow a boilerplate format that includes familiar discussions of how their plans for the coming y...

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Two executives whispering in an empty hallway

The Activision Blizzard Case, Part II: Whistleblower Protections

Two executives whispering in an empty hallway

Earlier this week, we told you about the potential ramifications for disclosure controls stemming from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s $35 million settlement with video game maker Activision Blizzard. Prospective whistleblowers – a...

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Hands holding a videogame controller

The Activision Blizzard Case, Part I: Disclosure Controls

Hands holding a videogame controller

“Mission creep” is one of those nebulous concepts that government watchdogs love. Originating in military strategy, the term generally refers to an agency or office expanding its focus beyond its own stated purpose. It comes to mind when st...

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