Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky
Tree rings

The Biggest Stories of Gary Gensler’s Year One at the SEC

Tree rings

Gary Gensler celebrated his first full year on the job as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. While the SEC had a business-friendly reputation under predecessor Jay Clayton, Gensler was billed as a reformer. In addition to deali...

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An unoccupied airline row seat

Carl Icahn: Champion of Animal Rights?

An unoccupied airline row seat

So-called activist investors come in many different shapes and sizes. Broadly speaking, they all seek to use their equity positions in companies to influence management. What they want to accomplish can vary dramatically. A legend in the ac...

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Molten hot iron poured into kiln for sustainability

Charges Against Brazilian Mining Company Tests SEC’s ESG Authority

Molten hot iron poured into kiln for sustainability

The Securities and Exchange Commission’s foray into required corporate reporting on environmental, social and governance issues has been the top story in financial regulation since the start of the Biden administration. To this point, howev...

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Stakeholders Continue Board Diversity Push Despite Overturning of California Law

Dedicated readers of this site know that California has served as a bellwether regarding environmental, social and governance issues in the corporate sphere. In one of the landmark developments in legislative efforts to increase diversity,...

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Man in black with an umbrella standing next to classic roman pillars

Stock Splits Are All the Rage on Wall Street

Man in black with an umbrella standing next to classic roman pillars

Would you rather have a dollar bill or four quarters? This question doesn’t have a right answer, of course – you have the same amount of money either way. The same principle applies to stock splits, in which the overall value of a stockhold...

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