Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky
Flowers poking out of garden lattice: Sustainability presents complex work for PR Companies

Working with Big Oil is Bad PR for Edelman

Flowers poking out of garden lattice: Sustainability presents complex work for PR Companies

Activism to fight climate change most often gets associated with corporations that make – or take – things, such as energy companies and auto manufacturers. In reality, companies that contribute most directly to pollution rely on a latticew...

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Abandoned cloth-covered pioneer wagon, deserted like BlockFi

Landmark Crypto Settlement Still Leaves Big Question Unanswered

Abandoned cloth-covered pioneer wagon, deserted like BlockFi

Cryptocurrency platform BlockFi Lending counts “pragmatic pioneering” among its values. According to the company website, that means aspiring to “inspire clients to think about wealth management differently” and “changing the status quo.” B...

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Cat playing with a ruler, measuring financial performance

SEC Proposes New Pay vs. Performance Rule

Cat playing with a ruler, measuring financial performance

How should a public company define success? It’s the kind of abstract question that might appear on a college economics exam. But for more than a decade, it has also been a very real question plaguing the Securities and Exchange Commission....

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A Quick Response QR Code for GAAP

Ruling Spotlights Hole in Crypto Accounting

A Quick Response QR Code for GAAP

If you were one of the millions of viewers who tuned in over the weekend to watch the Los Angeles Rams outlast the Cincinnati Bengals in Super Bowl LVI, you saw a barrage of commercials for cryptocurrencies and crypto-related businesses. On...

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Pug using a laptop, representing the cause of a catastrophic data breach

Gensler Previews Expanded Role of SEC in Cybersecurity

Pug using a laptop, representing the cause of a catastrophic data breach

Not so long ago, a consumer data breach at a big-box retailer would turn into headline news for days. Hackers are now setting their sights on bigger targets like government networks and oil pipelines, which raises the stakes for national se...

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