Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky
Antacid fizzles and dissolves in a glass of water

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Moves to Investigate Foreign Auditors

Antacid fizzles and dissolves in a glass of water

Earlier this month, Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler fired a warning shot at China-connected companies. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, the head of the regulatory agency warned that by early 2024, it may need to prohibi...

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SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

As the Securities and Exchange Commission edges closer to requiring corporations to disclose information related to climate change, the agency has provided companies with a sample letter to give them a better idea of what their future inter...

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Banks Adjusting to Tech-Savvy Challengers

Banks Adjusting to Tech-Savvy Challengers

Banks Adjusting to Tech-Savvy Challengers

By now, you might have used so-called embedded finance without even knowing it. It’s business jargon for banking-lite services that retailers and other non-banks offer their customers, often at the point of purchase. For instance, if you pi...

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A doctor testing a vaccination shot on patient

Lawyers Examining Key Questions Surrounding Vaccine Mandate

A doctor testing a vaccination shot on patient

During the Revolutionary War, George Washington famously ordered mass vaccinations of American troops against the smallpox virus. Historians today credit the decision as vital to the Continental Army defeating the British troops, most of wh...

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Nottingham Sheriff vs. Robinhood: Stock Hunt

Nottingham’s New Sheriff Hunts Robinhood

Nottingham Sheriff vs. Robinhood: Stock Hunt

It was a summer of highs and lows for Robinhood Markets, the stock-trading app of armchair investors. The online brokerage celebrated going public in July. In fitting fashion, it offered a third of the shares in its initial public offering...

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