Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky
Relaxed German Shepherd with Clawbacks

Executive Compensation: Clawback to the Future

Relaxed German Shepherd with Clawbacks

It may seem like only yesterday to politicians, lobbyists and bankers, but the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act – more commonly known as Dodd-Frank – was signed into law 11 years ago. The legislation that was suppos...

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A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

New EU Sustainability Reporting Standards Could Offer Blueprint for U.S.

A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

In the United States, the Green New Deal is a political hot-button issue. In Europe, it’s a set of policies that already have been adopted to transform the European Union’s economy and combat climate change. That includes how companies disc...

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Extreme close up of fraying rope

Banks Caught in Crossfire of Culture Wars

Extreme close up of fraying rope

For decades, the close relationship between big business in the United States and the Republican Party has been a political fact of life. The cozy relationship is showing signs of fraying, however, as both sides have dived into the so-calle...

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Meeting with Colleague to discuss Rules

Will Disabilities Fall Under the SEC’s Vision of Diversity?

Meeting with Colleague to discuss Rules

Researchers at Michigan State University last year published some intriguing findings on office culture. Their question: How does including employees with disabilities impact workplace productivity? Their answer: Significantly, and for the...

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McCormick Company's shipping containers in dock

Disclosures Show COVID-19 Impacts on Supply Chain

McCormick Company's shipping containers in dock

As travelers set out across the United States over the summer, many found the services and activities at their favorite vacation spots lacking. Businesses in places such as Ocean City, Maryland, struggled to hire the usual armies of workers...

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