Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Whitepapers & Special Reports

Rock climber climbs on an overhang with a large body of water and mountain in the background

A Game of Risk: An Intelligize Risk-Factor Special Report

Rock climber climbs on an overhang with a large body of water and mountain in the background

Intelligize has analyzed top 10-K risk factor disclosures along with hundreds of risk-factor-related comments by the SEC to provide you with competitive intelligence into which risk factors the SEC might expect to see in your own reporting....

Lush, green and serene valley with rolling hills and a mountain in the background representing top risk factors of compliance

Compliance Matters: Top Risk Factors for Review

Lush, green and serene valley with rolling hills and a mountain in the background representing top risk factors of compliance

We conducted a comprehensive review of risk factors cited in 10-Ks over the last four quarters, revealing two clear trends. First, corporate concern over COVID-19 has plateaued as we enter a “post-pandemic” frame of mind. Second, public com...

Close up of microphone on a stand with blurred-out background of a shareholder meeting

E&S Shareholder Proposals After the SEC’s Policy Shift: An Intelligize Report

Close up of microphone on a stand with blurred-out background of a shareholder meeting

The SEC’s position on whether companies may exclude certain shareholder proposals from proxy votes opened the door to more environmental and social proposals appearing on proxy statements in the past year. But has this stance led to more pr...

Close up of person wearing a black and white suit with red boxing gloves

PCAOB Talks Tough on Audit Issues

Close up of person wearing a black and white suit with red boxing gloves

While it may be wonky by nature, the PCAOB has adopted a more aggressive posture under the leadership of Erica Williams. Since becoming chair in January...

ESG Climate Change Disclosure: From Omission to Commission

Climate Change Disclosure Report: From Omission to Commission

ESG Climate Change Disclosure: From Omission to Commission

This winter, we examined comment letters addressing public companies’ disclosure obligations related to the topic of climate change and reviewed the SEC’s history of guidance on environmental disclosure.