Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Resistance to Corporate Diversity Initiatives is Likely Futile

Resistance to Corporate Diversity Initiatives is Likely Futile

Resistance to Corporate Diversity Initiatives is Likely Futile

After two decades, you could make a strong case that the dominant story in corporate America of the 21st century has been the growing influence of environmental, social and governance issues. Recent pushback against corporate diversity and...

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Companies Developing New Roles for Departing CEOs: Secession Plans and more

Companies Developing New Roles for Departing CEOs

Companies Developing New Roles for Departing CEOs: Secession Plans and more

One day, Amazon will have to learn how to live without its iconic founder, Jeff Bezos. Even though Bezos is stepping down as CEO of the e-commerce giant, that day doesn’t appear to be coming any time soon. Rather than retiring to live off a...

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Momentum Newton's Cradle

SEC Rule May Generate Public Perception Concerns Around Stakeholder Proposals

Momentum Newton's Cradle

Sometimes great ideas take a while to catch on. The legendary sitcom Seinfeld took five seasons just to crack the top 20 shows in the Neilson ratings. Shareholder proposals are far less funny, but they too can take years to gain momentum. T...

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Apple products in the hardware aisle

Issuers Go DIY on Environmental Regulation

Apple products in the hardware aisle

In a movie from a more innocent age, Tom Cruise, playing sports agent Jerry Maguire, pleads with a self-absorbed client: “Help me help you.” In a nutshell, that summarizes the pitch just made by investors with nearly $1 trillion in assets t...

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Employee caught on surveillance camera.

Back-to-Work Protections Go High-Tech

Employee caught on surveillance camera.

Pepper Construction monitors its building sites with software that knows when groups of workers have gathered. Samarth Diamond plans to use AI-powered surveillance to spot when workers at its 4,000-employee polishing factory are not wearing...

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