Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: AT&T

Reg FD Comes for AT&T

Reg FD Comes for AT&T

Reg FD Comes for AT&T

The latest TV advertising campaign for AT&T features two men – an existing subscriber and a new customer – squaring off in one of the company’s stores. They’re jockeying to get the best offer on a smartphone, but the punchline is that t...

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Issuers Speak Volumes on Insurrection

Issuers Speak Volumes on Insurrection

Issuers Speak Volumes on Insurrection

Avoiding politics is a popular conversational tactic today—so much so that some people may not even know how their family and friends feel about the insurrection in Washington, DC. They do know, however, what Chevron, Sony and Axe body spra...

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