Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Virtual reality users with CMO in metaverse

C-Suite: Into the Metaverse

Virtual reality users with CMO in metaverse

If you’re not familiar with the metaverse, imagine melding real life with The Sims video games. What may be the first allusion to the idea appeared in the 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash by American author Neal Stephenson. The book’s...

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Eco-friendly lounge set with carbon offsets

FASB Begins Process of Setting Accounting Standards for Environmental Reporting

Eco-friendly lounge set with carbon offsets

Summer is the season for projects. As day-to-day life slows down for a few months, the most industrious among us often use the break to knock out nagging tasks that have been sitting on to-do lists. DIYers – those fanatics who spend their d...

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Tree rings

The Biggest Stories of Gary Gensler’s Year One at the SEC

Tree rings

Gary Gensler celebrated his first full year on the job as head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. While the SEC had a business-friendly reputation under predecessor Jay Clayton, Gensler was billed as a reformer. In addition to deali...

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Justice Department's decline hand sign.

Justice Department Emphasizes Enforcement Against Individuals Who Commit Corporate Environmental Crimes

Justice Department's decline hand sign.

In cases of corporate wrongdoing that rise to the level of criminality, bringing charges to hold companies accountable can either feel like overkill or a slap on the wrist. After all, businesses don’t run themselves – people do. Holding the...

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Scale of justice representing the Department of Justice

Department of Justice Talks Tough on Corporate Crime

Scale of justice representing the Department of Justice

As a joint project between the law schools of Duke University and the University of Virginia, the Corporate Prosecution Registry aims to maintain a comprehensive collection of information about federal organizational prosecutions in the Uni...

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