Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Boxing gloves hanging from a hook

Court Battles for Musk, Cook Highlight New Expectations for Executive Pay

Boxing gloves hanging from a hook

It was a tale of two verdicts recently for a pair of corporate heavyweights and their compensation. On January 30, a Delaware court put the kibosh on a $56 billion pay package for Elon Musk, the mercurial automotive innovator. Judge Kathale...

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Psychedelic mushrooms

Musk’s Alleged Drug Use Could Trigger More Than Headaches for Corporate Directors

Psychedelic mushrooms

As Elon Musk’s profile has evolved from tech innovator to a household name, the public has witnessed the behavior of the world’s wealthiest person fluctuate between quirky and odd to erratic and impulsive. But recent reporting about concern...

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Opulent rococo-style shoe on a well groomed lawn

As Labor Strife Grows, So Do Complaints About CEO Pay

Opulent rococo-style shoe on a well groomed lawn

Elon Musk has apparently had enough of automotive companies showering their executives with lavish compensation packages. The Tesla CEO, himself under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for asking the electric-vehicle m...

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Thriving marijuana plant with performance clause

Elon Musk Says It’s High Time to End Twitter Deal

Thriving marijuana plant with performance clause

It’s official: No one has ever spent more on bad marijuana jokes than former Saturday Night Live guest host and current Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The world’s richest man previously dabbled in cannabis humor with a 2018 tweet about taking Tesla p...

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A bunch of berries

Twitter Presents Musk with Poison Pill

A bunch of berries

Following Elon Musk is exhausting. Absolutely exhausting. Driven by an apparently insatiable need for public attention, the latest in an interminable series of headline-grabbing stunts from the CEO (sorry, “Technoking”) of Tesla involves a...

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