Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: equity

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Corporate Strategies Evolve Amid DEI Policy Shifts

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In the wake of events like the protests that erupted in 2020 following the death of George Floyd, major corporations responded en masse by touting their commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion programs – commonly referred to as DEI....

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Twitter Presents Musk with Poison Pill

A bunch of berries

Following Elon Musk is exhausting. Absolutely exhausting. Driven by an apparently insatiable need for public attention, the latest in an interminable series of headline-grabbing stunts from the CEO (sorry, “Technoking”) of Tesla involves a...

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Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

Accounting Issues Warrant Caution on SPACs

If you need proof that no good deed goes unpunished, look at Luminar Technologies. Like so many other companies in recent years, it went public through a SPAC merger. But when it did the right thing and posed an accounting question to the ...

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Will SEC Disclosure Request Keep Offerings on the Shelf?

Will SEC Disclosure Request Keep Offerings on the Shelf?

Will SEC Disclosure Request Keep Offerings on the Shelf?

The Great GameStop Affair of 2021 is quickly growing into more than just a piece of pop culture esoterica. Just a few weeks after frenetic trading of the retail chain’s stock grabbed headlines, the episode is already impacting public policy...

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