Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: ESG

Smoke billowing out from a pressure release valve

Pressure Mounts for Financial Institutions to Address Climate Change

Smoke billowing out from a pressure release valve

When we talk about corporate climate-change offenders, the financial sector doesn’t come up very often. Banking doesn’t produce carbon emissions – at least, not more than any other office-based industry. However, that isn’t stopping global...

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Paved pathway with lines in white and black

SEC Paves the Way for More ESG Proposals

Paved pathway with lines in white and black

In the perpetual battle between activist shareholders and corporations, the insurgents recently have scored some key victories. In the latest win for activists, the Securities and Exchange Commission is taking steps to make it easier to put...

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Dice with "like" and "dislike" sides

Will the SEC Make an Example Out of Facebook?

Dice with "like" and "dislike" sides

Facebook infamously began in the early 2000s as a dorm-room lark by Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg. Now nearly 20 years old, what was once a killer app stopped being cool years ago. It has become an online hub for a strange conf...

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A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

New EU Sustainability Reporting Standards Could Offer Blueprint for U.S.

A waving EU Flag with Cloudy Background

In the United States, the Green New Deal is a political hot-button issue. In Europe, it’s a set of policies that already have been adopted to transform the European Union’s economy and combat climate change. That includes how companies disc...

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SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

SEC Outlines the ABCs of Climate Change Disclosure

As the Securities and Exchange Commission edges closer to requiring corporations to disclose information related to climate change, the agency has provided companies with a sample letter to give them a better idea of what their future inter...

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