Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Empty mall interior owned by Duke Realty in black and white

FASB Gives Issuers a Break on Tough Lease-Accounting Questions

Empty mall interior owned by Duke Realty in black and white

As the pandemic keeps brick-and-mortar businesses shuttered across the country, landlords are giving concessions to retailers, restaurants and offices that have been closed through no fault of their own. That’s welcome news for tenants. But...

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Under Armour's lease accounting issues during pandemic.

Pandemic Raises Key Lease Accounting Issues

Under Armour's lease accounting issues during pandemic.

The changes to lease accounting that took effect in 2019 for large public companies culminated a protracted process that dramatically altered their financial reporting. Just a year later, the coronavirus is putting the new accounting standa...

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Peaceful river scene with black & white tones with a goodwill nature

Regulators Getting Bad Vibes From Goodwill

Peaceful river scene with black & white tones with a goodwill nature

The balance sheets of public companies currently hold $5.5 trillion in assets lumped under the heading of goodwill. The term, which connotes feelings of cheer and good tidings, is accounting speak for the difference between the purchase pri...

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B+W image of old-time party goers

FASB is Living in a Materiality World

B+W image of old-time party goers

You’d be forgiven if you confused the Financial Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) latest announcement about its “conceptual framework” for a description of an upcoming TED Talk. That kind of jargon is popular with thought leaders and thin...

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