Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: National Security

shipping port

Intelligize Report Highlights Public Companies’ Rising Concerns Over U.S.-China Trade War

shipping port

As the days when China was the United States’ largest trading partner seem further away than ever, a new report from Intelligize explores the trade war that has roiled geopolitical stability for more than seven years and shows no signs of a...

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Man on Borderline: CFIUS Vigilance

U.S. Sets New Guidelines for Foreign Investment

Man on Borderline: CFIUS Vigilance

If we asked what the acronym CFIUS stands for, how long would it take you to come up with “Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.?” As the name implies, CFIUS reviews cross-border investment in the United States for red flags related t...

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