Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: OMB

sweater with a snagged hole

Executive Order Could Put a Snag in Crypto Regulations

sweater with a snagged hole

In large organizations – like, say, the federal government – examples of “the right hand not talking to the left” are common. One department begins a new project without realizing it’s working at cross-purposes with the objectives of anothe...

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People playing in Tug of war contest

Four Takeaways from the Government’s 2021 Budgets

People playing in Tug of war contest

The White House and the SEC released proposed budgets for the year 2021 last week, and they tell a compelling story of internal conflict. Don’t get us wrong: the proposals are terribly boring to read. But when you step back far enough from...

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