Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: Regulation

rolling back pie dough

New Merger Rules Survive Change in Administrations

rolling back pie dough

Since taking up residence in the White House for a second time, President Donald Trump has rolled back many policies put in place by his predecessor, Joe Biden. This week, however, Federal Trade Commission Chairman Andrew Ferguson announced...

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Post Mardi Gras revelry beads draped on a fire hydrant

Financial Institutions Ready for Crypto Craze

Post Mardi Gras revelry beads draped on a fire hydrant

The cryptocurrency industry has unabashedly celebrated the start of President Donald Trump’s second term in office as a watershed moment for the sector. With Trump promising to deliver a friendlier regulatory climate for digital assets, it...

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ship helm

Trump Makes Conventional Pick to Helm SEC in Crypto Champion Atkins

ship helm

President-elect Donald J. Trump has picked a familiar face to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission, tabbing 66-year-old Paul Atkins to return to the agency where he served as a commissioner from 2002 to 2008. Atkins has a well-establ...

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railings safeguarding bridge

Trump Seemingly Poised to Relax Regulation of AI

railings safeguarding bridge

Remember the anecdote about President Biden getting spooked by a blockbuster film’s depiction of artificial intelligence run amok? The story goes that in November 2023, he issued an executive order calling for the federal government to crea...

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Person standing at the summit of a cliff

Consensus Yet to Form on California’s Approach to AI Regulation

Person standing at the summit of a cliff

The state of California tends to lead the way in applying progressive policies to emerging business issues, so should come as no surprise that lawmakers in the Golden State are trying to address some of the landmines around artificial intel...

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