Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky


Artificial intelligence electronic eye assessing risk factors

Companies Identify Risk Factors of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence electronic eye assessing risk factors

Twenty years ago, companies were just beginning to grapple with the “internet of things.” The emerging technologies forced them to manage compliance, regulatory and legal risks introduced by new data-privacy and security concerns. Now, comp...

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Mahjong tiles in pool of rising water

Companies See Rising Risks in Doing Business with China

Mahjong tiles in pool of rising water

The term competition has a different meaning in business than in the context of sports and games. In chess or baseball or parchesi, players follow defined rules to achieve objectives versus their opponents. In business, there is no standard...

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Ominous reddish-orange sky from wildfires in the California hills

Corporations Face Call to Disclose Nature-Related Risks

Ominous reddish-orange sky from wildfires in the California hills

Millions of Americans this week stepped outside and found themselves enveloped in a thick haze, leading government officials across the northern and eastern United States to warn against spending too much time outdoors. The cause of the nox...

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Four kindergarteners whispering gossip

Companies Learning to Fear Online Rumor Mill

Four kindergarteners whispering gossip

The music world was saddened to learn earlier this month that folk-pop pioneer Gordon Lightfoot had died at the age of 84. However, fans had practice mourning the loss of the Canadian crooner. In 2010, a hoax began circulating on the intern...

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Risk Factors: Large boulder rests precariously atop the edge of a cliff

New Intelligize Report Offers Insights into SEC Views on Company Risk Factors

Risk Factors: Large boulder rests precariously atop the edge of a cliff

Fortunately for investors, you don’t need inside access to C-suites to know what kinds of risks keep corporate executives on edge. Publicly traded companies frequently disclose in their Securities and Exchange Commission filings their views...

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