Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: sec

Dice with "like" and "dislike" sides

Will the SEC Make an Example Out of Facebook?

Dice with "like" and "dislike" sides

Facebook infamously began in the early 2000s as a dorm-room lark by Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg. Now nearly 20 years old, what was once a killer app stopped being cool years ago. It has become an online hub for a strange conf...

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Plain sliced bread

LameStop: SEC Issues Bland Analysis of Meme Stock Fiasco

Plain sliced bread

Economic historians will look back decades from now and marvel at the events of January 2021. As a global pandemic raged and the strangest presidential administration in the country’s history ended, fluctuations in the stock price of a flai...

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Bitcoin close-up on wood grain in black and white

A False Flag for Crypto ETFs

Bitcoin close-up on wood grain in black and white

The first bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund in the United States got off to a muddled start last week. The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF made its debut on Oct. 19 to an eager market, with the offering generating $550 million from invest...

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A Wooden Medieval Pillory

Securities and Exchange Commission Brings Back Misconduct Admissions Policy

A Wooden Medieval Pillory

Cancel culture is a hot topic in everything from celebrities to academia to sports. Impolite – or just plain offensive – actions and comments seem to be prompting public apologies and retractions from high-profile figures on an almost daily...

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Relaxed German Shepherd with Clawbacks

Executive Compensation: Clawback to the Future

Relaxed German Shepherd with Clawbacks

It may seem like only yesterday to politicians, lobbyists and bankers, but the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act – more commonly known as Dodd-Frank – was signed into law 11 years ago. The legislation that was suppos...

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