Photograph of skyscrapers with glass windows from the ground facing up to a blue sky

Tag: shareholders


Fights Over DEI Heat Up as Trump Takes Office


Making good on one of the key promises of his campaign for a second term in the White House, Republican President Donald Trump has waged war on diversity, equity and inclusion programs. It started with an effort to purge DEI from the federa...

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referee flag

Does ‘Corporate Bullying’ Work?

referee flag

Nobody likes a bully, or so the saying goes. That may be true, but it has never stopped bullies from popping up in places ranging from playgrounds to office cubicles to the highest reaches of government. The modus operandi doesn’t change, r...

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Man on climbing wall

Will Take-Private Deals Continue to Climb in 2024?

Man on climbing wall

Lately, a significant number of publicly held companies have seen greener grass on the private equity side of the fence. Considering the rising number of regulatory complications and increasing costs associated with being a public company,...

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Street bench in flood water

Private Eyes: Boards Evaluating Flood of Take-Private Offers

Street bench in flood water

Nearly six months into 2022, an auto company executive’s drama-filled bid to buy a social media platform stands out as the story of the year in the dealmaking world. But Elon Musk’s potential acquisition of Twitter has been part of a run of...

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A bunch of berries

Twitter Presents Musk with Poison Pill

A bunch of berries

Following Elon Musk is exhausting. Absolutely exhausting. Driven by an apparently insatiable need for public attention, the latest in an interminable series of headline-grabbing stunts from the CEO (sorry, “Technoking”) of Tesla involves a...

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